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  • Writer's pictureKatie Kowalski-Little

Decades Apart: "Fiercombe Manor" by Kate Riordan

I usually do not do this, but I am writing a review BEFORE I finish the book. What better way to introduce an eerie, mystery filled book other than give the intrigue and thoughts of the book prior to knowing the ending myself? I honestly have not read a review quite like the one I am about to give. Quite the mystery, huh?

As you have noticed, I enjoy historical fiction. I love mysteries. I enjoy a good ethnographic style of book, where I can experience the interaction between characters in their natural state. Books with phenomenal character development and character interactions are a must. A book with great intrigue. Even if it doesn't catch me right away, but gets better the further I dive into the book. The writer being able to re-capture my attention is a talent. Leaving that little bit of "I want to know", despite the slow or uninteresting ways of writing in the beginning.

This book provides all of the above. The back or the synopsis made the book more interesting than the way the book began. I will admit, I was unimpressed and bored when I began to read this book. So, I starting to think if this book was a waste of money and time. I would read and could only get through maybe 4 pages at a time. Usually, I read 20+ pages at a time before I go to bed, regardless of how tired I might be from my day. You can imagine I was beginning to worry a bit. However, in my attempt to get my oldest daughter, who is 10, to get an interest into reading, I kept going and I am glad I did! To be honest, I was telling her that no matter how a book begins, you continue until at least the middle. So, I myself had to follow my own advice. As it turns out, WOW! OK, enough with this stuff, let's get onto what the book is about, without giving the ending away. I mean not like I can since I don't know the ending either.

Kate Riordan is a known author. An author who writes historical mystery, historical romance and simply historical fiction. You may know her one novel Sandition, which is also a hit historical drama on British TV. By the way, I LOVE! I digress. Fiercombe Manor is a historical fiction/mystery book that provides an eerie, mystery that spans decades. Alice, a young Londoner, in 1933 who finds herself in a sort of predicament that is unbecoming of a young woman of the time. Such of one that would land her in the workhouse, which is not what her mother of good gentile stock wants for her daughter who is educated and who has a decent job. Alice is sent to the country to Fiercombe Manor to stay with her mother's childhood friend, Mrs. Jelphs. She is the head of the house for the House of Stanton aka Fiercombe Manor. The Stantons do not live in the home, so it is perfect for Alice to decompress and allow herself to rest, do light work and forget about the married man she had an affair with in London. In the meantime, allowing her the time to connect with the ghostly lives that lay and haunt this stately manor of long ago.

The uncanny connection the develops with Alice and the former Lady Elizabeth Stanton is intriguing. The connection is amazing between the two ladies, despite the decades between them, different yet similar situations. The way Kate weaves the two women, of different decades and circumstances together, is a beautiful tapestry that is laid out perfectly. From the mysterious circumstances of Elizabeth's life that is told from her point of view and also through a diary that Alice finds. Not only is there the connection between the two women, but a relative captures Alice's eye and intrigue. The way things developed in this book is fantastic. It was hard to get to this point in the book, but the "ancient", mystery within the home has laid quiet for years. Between the walls and the few people who were alive then, much is rumor or as seen by locals, it is folklore. Stories that can only be told by Elizabeth herself. With her gone, her husband gone, and her brother-in-law who is now Lord Stanton, it makes me think the end of this book will be a great surprise.

Everything is leading to a huge reveal. I cannot help, but want to know. I need to know! Soon, I will know the end. How this tightly woven story has developed, has me wondering what happened to Lady Elizabeth? I feel like Alice. I want to know, just like Alice wants to know and have the answers to all of her questions. To know the inter-personal life of the most beloved Elizabeth. But I want to know how solving this mystery affects and helps Alice. If you read this and finish the book BEFORE I do, please let me know your thoughts! Does Alice become the new Lady Stanton when Tom takes over the estate from his father? Does Mrs. Jelphs finally speak without caution and does she become less caution with Alice? Do we find out why Mrs. Edith Jelphs is protective and mysterious?

I am so excited to finish this book and I hope you are happy to begin it, or if you have stopped reading it that you pick up again. I understand that it is hard to get through the beginning, but rest assured, it gets so dang good! Oh and happy National Coffee Day, if you have access to my Facebook, then comment what your favorite way to have your coffee or your favorite coffee place. I'll tell you mine! And boy, do we have some amazing coffee cafe's in my little town of Indiana, Pennsylvania. You should come and visit. Happy reading my fellow book lovers!

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