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  • Writer's pictureKatie Kowalski-Little

New Year, New Book Challenge!

It is officially 2023! I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Christmas and New Year's Eve celebration(s). For us, it was very low key. My oldest got sick with the flu, so I stayed home on Christmas as my parents took the other 3 kids to mass. They opened gifts, and we just hung around. Good thing that we are still celebrating Christmas, as it had just begun on Christmas Day. Little tidbit, the 12 Days of Christmas is actually about the 12 days after Christmas, starting with Christmas Day being day 1. It is just a wonderful season and time of year. So, we all know the traditions and many things that surround Christmas, and they vary from culture to culture. Though there is one tradition that seems to cross cultures, and that is New Year's resolutions. Some people commit to losing weight, working out, eating better, or walking to work vs using a car. Or some have decided to NOT to do a resolution this year, and if you are not into resolutions, try a CHALLENGE! One resolution, or idea that has been all the rage with Facebook is a book challenge. Who doesn't love a good challenge!?! I mean you hear of this challenge, or that challenge all over social media, specifically with Tik Tok. Anyway, this challenge you read 12 books in a year. OK, great, you are thinking 'gee, I can pick 12', but thing is YOU do not pick the 12 books.

The rules are as follows:

1.) Post this picture (be sure to keep a blank copy) to your Facebook, Instagram or whichever media outlet you prefer. 2.) With the post, add a description like this one:

"New Year, new challenge! I am looking for book suggestions. That's right, I want 12 book suggestions, one for every month of the year. The first 12 suggestions will be taken. So bring forth those amazing reads my way!"

3.) Then, as the suggestions come in, place a picture of the 12 book suggestions you receive onto the image.

4.) Last step, pass the blank image to other friends.

Then you just start reading! It is very simple, and fun. What is even cooler is that friends who have the books they suggest usually say they will loan the book to you! You won't have to purchase them all either. Get to posting and getting those suggestions! Happy reading everyone.

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